At Arkana, we’re all about positive energy.

We’re here to bring more positive energy into the world, pure and simple. It’s why we love solar so much – it reduces your power bills while helping repair the planet. So much positivity! 

But before we get into the nitty gritty of why we love solar power, let’s start at the beginning.

What is solar power and how does it work? 

Rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV) panels, with a little help from their inverter friends, work by converting power generated from sunlight to alternating current (AC) power that can be used to power your home, your business, your vehicle or exported to the grid for money.  Energy you export to the grid is measured, calculated and sold to your electricity provider – this is referred to as a feed-in tariff.  Any payments you receive from exporting your excess power to the grid appear as a credit on your bill from your electricity provider.  

Essentially, solar power is energy that is generated from sunlight and converted to electricity.

Clear as sunlight?  Great, let’s push on to just a few of the reasons why we ♡ solar power so much.

 ☀️    Solar power empowers the individual to take control of their environmental impact

Investing in clean energy sources means that as an individual you’re doing your bit to curb the effects of climate change.  Change that is having an obvious and distressing impact on the world we live in.

In late 2019, record low rainfall contributed to a continent-scale natural emergency in Australia that killed millions of native wildlife and burned more than 5m hectares.1   In November 2020, Australia recorded its hottest month EVER as mercury rose to 50 degrees, causing a severe heat wave.2   

How much and how quickly will Earth’s icebergs melt as the climate continues to warm?  For the past decade the U.S. The Geological Survey Global Change Research Program has measured the rate at which glaciers in the Glacier National Park, Montana are melting and the results are staggering.  “When President Taft created Glacier National Park in 1910, it was home to an estimated 150 glaciers. Since then the number has decreased to fewer than 30, and most of those remaining have shrunk in area by two-thirds”.3 

Solar is not only a smart investment, it’s a major contributor to a sustainable future and a simple way for individuals to take control of their energy usage and environmental impact. 

 ☀️    Solar power saves you money

Did you know in a single hour, the amount of power from the sun that strikes the Earth is more than the entire world consumes in a year? 4 

The sun rises each day, emitting an enormous amount of solar radiation that costs nothing to produce or use.  That’s why ‘going solar’ is one of the easiest and smartest investments you can make – delivering years of free energy and saving you thousands of dollars in power bills over the life of your system.

What people don’t think about though when they’re initially looking at the cost of a solar installation is the long game.  Most solar installations deliver a 100% return on investment within five years (sometimes sooner).   The bigger benefit comes after that though, as the system produces FREE energy for a further 15 to 20 years.

 ☀️   The solar industry employs thousands of Australians, and is expected to increase by more than 40% by 2025

The renewable energy sector has been through significant growth in recent years, the result of increased demand in renewable energy solutions.   The highest demand for renewable energy sources has, in the past few years, come from rooftop solar. 

In June 2020, the Clean Energy Council of Australia undertook the largest study of current and projected employment in the renewable energy industry.  The study found that the sector currently employs over 25,000 people and could employ as many as 44,000 people by 2025.Given the ever-increasing demand for renewable energy, there’s no reason to believe that this estimate won’t be achieved.  A win win for the environment and its inhabitants.

 ☀️   Solar increases the value of your home 

Recent research conducted by found that 85% of Australians believe that homes equipped with rooftop solar are more valuable (up to $10,000 more) than those relying on traditional electricity’.6  The research also found that 75% of renters would be willing to pay more for a property with solar power installed. 

Is your roof-space wasted space?

☀️   Business can leverage the power of solar too

With a mix of government financial incentives, low-interest loans and immediate tax write-offs (for systems under $150,000), getting solar is not just environmentally friendly, it’s smart business.  

Some business people might think of solar as an expense, but in reality, it’s an investment that’s highly cost effective and that delivers positive, long-term returns. Even business owners that don’t own their own premises can benefit from solar.


Australia has the highest average solar radiation per square metre of any continent in the world7; it makes perfect sense to leverage nature for your electricity needs – both for the benefit of the environment and your hip pocket.

With over 5000 installs under our belt, there’s so many more reasons why we ♡ solar.  

For more information on how solar energy works, or how it might benefit you (and the world we live in) contact Arkana Energy on 1300 976 040 or visit 

