Solar requirements for Australian homeowners

Solar requirements for Australian homeowners

What exactly do you need to get solar?

While there are some standard requirements for solar installation, you’ll be pleased to know that almost all homes can be adapted to accommodate a solar solution.

The following lists some common considerations and requirements to get solar in Australia.

1. Own Your Own Home

Owning your home is the first step in transitioning to solar energy, as it generally provides you with the authority to make significant changes to the property, such as installing solar panels. However, not all homeownership scenarios are the same, and some may require additional approvals. For instance, if you’re part of a body corporate or strata management, there may be additional layers of approval to navigate – for example securing approval from the body corporate or strata committee before proceeding with the installation.

If your property is co-owned, you’ll need to make sure that all owners are aligned on the decision to install solar panels. This is crucial not only for legal reasons but also to ensure a smooth installation process without delays.

2. Suitable Roof Space

The amount of roof space you’ll need for a solar panel system largely depends on your energy consumption and the type of panels you choose. Typically, residential installations require between 15–25 square metres of roof space. However, more efficient panels may let you generate the same amount of power with less space, which is especially beneficial for homes with limited roof areas.

In addition to the available space, the layout of your roof can also impact the installation process. Roofs with multiple angles, valleys, or obstructions like chimneys and vents may require custom mounting solutions to maximise energy production. While this can add to the overall cost, it ensures you get the most out of your system in the long term. If you suspect your roof might present such challenges, Arkana Energy can conduct a thorough assessment to identify the best approach for installation, whether that involves special mounts or even relocating obstructions if necessary.

3. Suitable Roof Orientation

In Australia, the orientation of your roof is a crucial factor in how much energy you can generate with your solar panels. North-facing roofs are generally the most effective for maximising solar gain, as they capture the most sunlight throughout the day. However, east or west-facing orientations can also be a viable option, especially if your energy consumption patterns match the sun’s trajectory in those directions. For example, an east-facing roof might suit households that consume more energy in the mornings.

The angle at which the panels are installed, known as the tilt angle, also plays a significant role in energy generation. It’s often recommended that the tilt angle be close to the latitude of your location to capture the most sunlight year-round. If your roof has a steep or shallow pitch – custom mounting solutions may be needed to achieve the optimal angle. Arkana Energy can assess your roof’s orientation and angle to recommend the most effective setup for your home, ensuring you maximise your energy production and, consequently, your savings.

4. Suitable Roof Construction

A structurally sound roof is essential for the safe and effective installation of your solar panel system. Before proceeding, any existing issues like leaks, weak points, or other structural concerns should be addressed. These factors could compromise not just the installation, but the long-term performance of your solar panels. In some instances, a professional structural assessment may be advised to ensure the roof can handle the additional weight of the panels.

The type of roofing material you have can also influence the ease and cost of installation. Materials like corrugated iron are generally easier to work with and may result in lower installation costs. On the other hand, more delicate or complex materials like slate or terracotta may require special mounting hardware and more intricate labour, affecting the overall cost. Arkana Energy can provide a comprehensive pre-installation assessment to identify any potential challenges related to your roof’s construction, helping you to anticipate and manage costs effectively.

5. Completed Roof Upgrades

If you’re considering giving your roof a facelift or know that it’s nearing the end of its lifespan, timing these upgrades strategically with your solar installation can be a smart move. Whether you’re contemplating a fresh coat of paint or a complete roof replacement, doing so before installing your solar panels means you won’t have to worry about the additional cost and hassle of removing and reinstalling the solar system down the line.

If you’re considering a roof upgrade, you don’t necessarily have to wait to go solar. A free assessment from Arkana Energy can help you time both projects effectively, making your home improvements as seamless as possible.

6. Financing

Installing solar panels does require an upfront financial commitment. Whether you choose to self-finance or take advantage of solar financing options, it’s crucial to understand the costs involved. Arkana Energy offers various financing solutions to suit different budgets, ensuring that the benefits of solar energy are accessible to as many Australian homeowners as possible.

Beyond these options, you may also be eligible for government and state solar rebates, which can significantly offset the initial investment. These rebates are designed to encourage the adoption of renewable energy solutions and can make the overall cost much more manageable. Arkana Energy can guide you through the process of applying for these rebates, ensuring you maximise your savings and make your solar installation as affordable as possible.


There’s a solar solution for almost every home in Australia. The first step is to consult with solar specialists like Arkana Energy. We can provide a free home assessment to determine the best way to make solar energy work for you. With generous government rebates, financing options, and a wide range of top-tier brands to choose from, going solar has never been easier or more accessible.

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