Changing your energy usage to get the most out of solar

Changing your energy usage to get the most out of solar

The beauty of solar installations lies in the heart of the power it harnesses – the sun. Yet, merely installing solar panels isn’t the be-all and end-all of the solar experience. To genuinely maximise your solar benefits, a change in your energy usage patterns can make a significant difference. For Australian homeowners and businesses, understanding and aligning energy habits with solar generation can boost savings and increase system efficiency.

The Power of Daylight

Solar panels generate electricity when the sun is shining. In Australia, peak sunlight hours are typically between 9 am to 3 pm, depending on the season and location. That means, for homeowners, your solar system is working at its best during these hours.

However, a common lifestyle pattern sees many households use the bulk of their electricity during the early morning and late evening. This misalignment can lead to surplus energy generated by the solar system during the day being fed back to the grid, while drawing power from the grid during peak evening times.

Feed-in Tariffs: The Good and The Not-So-Great

Feed-in tariffs reward homeowners for feeding surplus energy back into the grid. These tariffs provide an additional incentive for having a solar installation. However, relying solely on feed-in tariffs might not be the best strategy for maximising the benefits of your solar system.

Firstly, the rate at which you’re compensated for the surplus energy, the feed-in tariff, is often lower than the rate you pay for consuming electricity from the grid. So, every unit of electricity you consume directly from your solar, rather than feeding it back and then drawing from the grid later, equates to more savings.

Adapting Your Energy Usage

To get the most out of your solar installation, consider the following changes:

  1. Daytime Appliances: Schedule power-intensive appliances like washing machines, dryers, and dishwashers to run during the day.
  2. Battery Storage: Consider adding a battery system, like the ones from TESLA or Sungrow. Batteries store excess solar energy, allowing you to use it during the night or cloudy days, further reducing reliance on the grid.
  3. Energy Management Systems: These systems provide real-time insights into your energy consumption patterns, helping you make informed decisions about your energy use.
  4. Peak Sunlight Usage: If possible, schedule activities that require more power, like charging electric vehicles or using power tools, during peak sunlight hours.
  5. Educate and Involve: Ensure every member of your household understands the benefits of daytime energy use. An informed household is a power-saving household!

Wrapping Up

At Arkana Energy, our commitment to Australian homeowners extends beyond just installing solar panels. We believe in empowering you to make the most of your solar journey. By making simple changes to your energy habits, you can not only reduce your bills but also enhance the longevity and efficiency of your system.

With continually rising energy prices in Australia, now is the time to embrace solar, access rebates, and make informed choices about energy consumption. Every sunbeam counts!